Brough Leadership
Brough Leadership
Brough Leadership
Brough Leadership

The Leader as Coach

The business world has seen an explosion of coaches over the past 10 years. This is an industry that, at the end of 2009, employed roughly 44000 people and generated over two billion US dollars in revenue annually. 

Coaching as essentially a partnership, a relationship with purpose, that is built on high ethical standards and a clear coaching agreement based on trust and intimacy. An effective coach has the ability to create a fully present, conscious, and spontaneous relationship that is open, empowering, and flexible. Any interaction between a coach and client involves listening without an agenda, and an ability to grasp the essence of communication on a number of levels. An effective coach has an ability to ask open-ended questions that reveal information needed for maximum benefit. A coach should be both articulate and direct and be able to integrate multiple sources of information. A coach needs to create opportunities for ongoing learning in work/life situations. The coaching is most effective when partnering with the client to set SMART goals in a way that focuses on the clients learning style, pace, and level of commitment. Coaching involves managing progress and accountability with a client whilst staying focused on the clients priorities. 


Coaching is a multiple disciplinary, process-driven, approach that teaches clients how to learn, holds them accountable for their own personal growth and development, and ultimately aids the clients personal transformation. 


What is Coaching?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) definition of coaching is, partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. [1] Coaching has been described  as a two-way interaction that provides leaders with an opportunity to achieve maximum impact in their personal and professional lives.  


Coaching is a key mechanism for transferring training skills into the workplace

Coaching delivers tangible benefits

When applied appropriately, coaching can positively influence the bottom line

Growing number of respondents believe coaching is the key mechanism for the transfer of skills



Overview of Programme

  • What is coaching? 

  • Phases in the coaching process

  • The rules of engagement

  • Agreeing on expectations

  • Self and Peer Assessment

  • Navigating the phases

  • Personal Needs in Coaching 

  • Organisational Needs in Coaching 

  • Prioritizing and Decision-making

  • Accountability 

  • Review